Search for Near Search {"hide_search_input":"","hide_near_input":"","input_size":"","bar_flex_wrap":"","bar_flex_wrap_md":"","bar_flex_wrap_lg":"","input_border":"","input_border_opacity":"","input_rounded_size":"","btn_bg":"","btn_rounded_size":"","btn_rounded_size_md":"","btn_rounded_size_lg":"","bg":"","mt":"","mr":"","mb":"3","ml":"","pt":"","pr":"","pb":"","pl":"","border":"","rounded":"","rounded_size":"","rounded_size_md":"","rounded_size_lg":"","shadow":"","css_class":""} ANNOUNCEMENTS 477 JOBS 41 ENGAGEMENTS 27 CHARITIES 10 ORGANISATIONS 8 EDUCATION 7 RETREATS 7 VOCATIONS 6 FINANCE 4 CHURCH PRODUCTS 8 ONLINE DIRECTORY 1 CONTACT US 0 Leeds Cathedral Awarded grant from The National Lottery Heritage Fund Address: Leeds Catholic Cathedral, Cathedral House, Great George Street Leeds LS2 8BD Email: CLICK FOR INFO 141st anniversary of Diocese of Portsmouth and Dedication of St John’s Cathedral Address: Cathedral Church of St John the Evangelist, Edinburgh Road Portsmouth PO1 3HQ Phone Number: 02392 008810 Email: CLICK FOR INFO Westminster Cathedral welcomes 350 for the Rite of Election Address: Ambrosden Avenue London SW1P 1QH CLICK FOR INFO